Online Fraud Reporting

How to report a fraud



Step 1: Go to IC3 Governmental website (They work in collaboration with the FBI).


Step 2: Select the type of cybercrime you want to report


Step 3: Follow the process.


Step 4 (Optional): Also report it to us so we can help others by writing an articles

on how to avoid falling for these scams in the form below.


If you have ever been victim of a scam or fraud you can share your story here to help people's.



We will do our best to build and share with the world, tips to prevent other's from falling for the same scams or frauds schemes.


Your information will remain confidential except if you select the option or ask us to include specific details.



Please try to include as many details as possible to help us build a more efficient report.



We provide this service with no guarantee but we may signal it for you to multiple entities such as the law enforcement or the FTC and have some future projects to make this process more efficient.



Help us to make the internet a safer place for all!




E-mail *
Your country *
How much money have you lost *
How have you pay and on which platform *
Have you send them personal information *
Type of potential fraud *
Confidentiality if shared *
Additional details *
Comodo Secure SSL (https)

Disclaimer: Every person or company accused, is considered innocent until proven guilty by a judge.

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